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React Props


Props are one of the most essential concept of React.

Let's say you have a Car component. Without props, we would only have one type of car. With props, we can create multiple types of cars. We can create a car with a color, a model, a year, and a price.


Components are functions that take props as input and return a React element. Props are the input to the component, they are the data that the component needs to render.

The Syntax

<ComponentName propName={propValue} />
  options={[ 'A', 'B', 'C' ]}
  addons={{  type: 'tinted windows', price: '$100' }}
  onClick={() => console.log('clicked')}

Any JS expression can be used as a prop value. This includes functions, arrays, objects, and even other components. Values are always wrapped in curly braces.

Reading Props

We can read props by using the props object and we can use destructuring assignment to access the props we want.

function Car({ color, model, year, price }) {
  return (
      <h1>{color} {model}</h1>

Props are read-only. We can't change them. We use state to add behavior to our components.

Default Props

We can set default values for props. This is useful for when we don't know the value of a prop or when is undefined.

function Car({ color = 'red', model, year, price }) {
  return (
      <h1>{color} {model}</h1>

In this case, if we don't pass a color prop, we will use the default value of red.

Children Props

When we nest content inside a component, the parent component will pass the children as a prop called children.

  <Truck />

function Car({ children }) {
  // In this case the children are:
  // <h1>Hello</h1>
  // <p>World</p>
  // <Truck />
  return (

That's it! You can now create your own components and pass them as props to other components. Want to learn more? Check out the React docs.

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